I now have a workaround. I believe all my SMTP email is now reaching the email scanner appliance. I had to disable DPI on the access rule so that malware wouldn't be blocked and I had to completely disable RBL checking to prevent the firewall from dropping connections from blacklisted IPs. Whitelisting specific IP…
@Saravanan Thanks for the reply. I know the sending IP address is blacklisted. That's what I am trying to circumvent. I've temporally disabled RBL on the firewall and doing further testing. Kevin
@shiprasahu93 I am quite familiar with how RBLs work and, yes, connections are being blocked because they are on an RBL. I had already seen the knowledge-base article you provided. It explains how to create exceptions for specific IP addresses but that is not a workable solution. I need to disable it completely for…
@Saravanan. @shiprasahu93, @BWC Thank you all for your responses. You have introduced me to configuration settings I have not yet explored. The option that best suits my needs is to disable DPI on the advanced tab of the appliance access rule. That will not completely disable DPI scans for all traffic to that IP address…